It started with an connection on Instagram. Well I mean the connection between me and Kathi. The love between her and Lukas begain way before that, like their love for Sweden.
The love for the feeling of, you know the midsummer and romantic wibe we have here in sweden. With cinnmon buns, a language that sings (which my spanish friend can second for in saying) and picturesque environments. The pandemic stroke and they just thought – why wait?!
The only obstacle, not an obstacale really but minor bump, was/is the fact that they live in Germany and wanted their weddingday and honeymoon to be spent in Sweden.
With massive help from their dear friends who owns Borkhult Lapphem, an really uniqe place in the midst of Östergötland, they got hold on every legal document that had to be in place for them to be legally married here in Sweden.
I got the privilege to chat with Kathi for all those weeks, holding my fingers for health, legal and timings sake, and really getting to know her and Lukas. So when we first met on their wedding day it really felt like I got to renuite with dear friends.
They wished for that typical midsummer feeling, of flowers in the hair, around every corner and you know that romantic summer vibe really – and the location really provided with the estetichs needed. But lets look at how it was rather than me writing about it!
They were serenaded down from their appartment, and the whole crew walked with them to the ceremony spot – the garden.
Elisabet and Matilda, who owns Borkhult, part of their families, the officiant and Kathis sister where the only ones who witnessed this glorious day. Matilda also contributed by making Kathis flowercrown and the bouqet she held, from flowers around of Borkult.
Tears where flowing and oh how I wished that I had someone with me to capture it all on film, because Elisabet and Matilda sang beautifully and with such emotions that our hearts nearly bursted. Among all the songs they sang, one was a tribute to the couples motto ”flowers and love” (”blommor&kärlek”) – said motto were also engraved to Kathi and Lukas wedding-rings.
Elisabeth also told everyone, and myself included, a fun fact about why we throw rice at wedding couples. Did you know that we do that, (even if but mostly) in the abscence of rain to bring the couple good luck in their marriage? I did not until that day!
After the ceremony the wedding crew transported the few steps ahead to a little spot with benches and other seating places, to indulge in bubbles and toasts for Kathi and Lukas. Little did they know, that the same gift that they brought with them to Sweden from Germany was something that their friends in Sweden had planned to gift them in return. Fun fact about the threes that make this even more special, is that the apple trees are of separe species but they make a symbiosis of only bearing fruit when combined. Oh, my heart. All theese thoughtful speeaches, gifts and humle people just showing apprechiation for eachother while radiatin joy… truly a beautiful day.
Kathi and Lukas had invested in my two hour package, so after the ceremony, bubbles and planting of the apple trees, it was time for the portraits of the two lovers.
We kept the session small, and just around the corner of the location because little did they know that they soon were off to even more bubbles and a ride on Yxningen.
I knew that Kathi and Lukas has a great love for the outdoor (they gave me a hint by telling me that they were going to spend their honeymoon in the Swedish Laplands with their rooftoptent to meet reindeers and look at the vast nature up north) so my thoughts for the portraits were all about scenery.
You are such a wonderful & lovely person, who had so much patience with us & our plans for a (spontaneous) wedding in Sweden. It was so much fun to get to know each other before & to make plans for a midsummer wedding in August - we talked like friends and were full of trust, although we never met before. We totally loved your company on our wedding day and felt so comfortable with it. You caught all the emotions, feelings & little moments by camera. The photos were very important for us, because we wanted to take all the memories home to our family & friends. And what can I say? We had the first (most amazing!) photos already on the wedding evening - and we were crazy in love with them. And everybody we sent them to was enchanted, too. All photos came later on by USB stick and they were all absolutely amazing & beautiful. Rebecka - you were the best choice for this crazy project abroad! And we are so happy to call you a friend now! Tack för allt! Puss & kram!“
Kathi & Lukas
You are utterly amazing, and I feel so grateful to have been a small part of your adventure in Sweden. I wish you an anbundance of more visits here and hope to see you once more (really even more) in the future. Maybee at Borkult again?
All the best – and all the best to you whom have read this far in this blogpost. Hope you enjoyed theese moments as much as I enjoyed to witness them myself.
Rebecka Thorell Photo, copyright 2022.
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